Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mind Your Own Bakery

If I Wanted To Have Some Kind Of Side Bakery Business, I Could Call It:
  1. The Bakery
  2. Baked Goods (L.A. Frannie points out the stoner suggestion, though.)
  3. D.J.'s (Sounds like a diner.)
  4. D. Jew D.'s
  5. J.'s B.
  6. Help!
  7. Arrived!
  8. Amandina
  9. 50
  10. Tiki (I don't mean to imply Hawaiian goods. That's an inside joke I share with D.J.)
  11. Ya Tiki (Ditto.)
  12. Men Only (Asynchronous.)
  13. I Like To Bake
  14. Coffee Not Served Here
  15. Pie Lady (That may not be my specialty.)
  16. Not Cookies (Except I might offer some, now that I know how to make uniform bakery treats.)
  17. Uniform Bakery Treats (Does not sound right.)
  18. Salt (Taken.)
These really don't seem like bakery names, eh?, with the possible exception of The Bakery, and Baked Goods, though I've already nixed that one. I like Amandina, but that's a bit similar sounding to the name of the tiny cafe, Columbine, just north of the Franklin Street stop on the number 1 line. They make the most fantastic, melt-in-your-mouth very-large-but-I-could-still-eat-two sugar cookies (only available after one p.m., by the way, which I learned about the hard way).

Plus, I would have to okay it with my cool tween sitter, Amandina, without whom I could not have done D.J.'s birthday party. Holla! (Obviously, names have been changed or altered here to protect the...innocent.)

Amandina. Amandina. No. Even if it didn't almost rhyme with Columbine, it sounds like an off pronunciation of almonds, which I wouldn't use very often—D.J.'s no longer allergic, but I shy away from them in general now. No, not Amandina.

And while I think The Irreverent Family Bakery might look amusing on paper, it's too awkward to say. It doesn't sound very delicious, and suddenly, the name of my blog, possible book, and overall New Year's project is a bust. Despite all my yapping, the recipes and foods therein are supposed to be delicious! Aaaah!

Imagine: At rise, loving man and woman eat tea and toast at small round table in chic urban kitchen before work one morning: "Honey," the woman says, "could you pick up some of those eclairs we love at the Irreverent Family Bakery on your way home tonight? You know how I get after I eat those..."


  1. I like Amandina and Coffee Not Served Here.

  2. I'm big on transparency, so I don't like the suggestions that give no
    clue as to what the business is. Here are some suggestions:

    Jenny's Bakery
    Bakery Jenny
    Eve's Bakery
    Bakery Eve
    Jane Street Bakery
    Sweets for the sweet

    By the way, I hope you will be serving coffee.

  3. There used to be a bakery right around the corner from me called "Mary's Off Jane." It did not do well, and as far as the treats: eh. Some were good, but nothing I can even remember now, but most of the stuff simply had no finesse, in terms of visuals. So I'm not sure about the spot-on naming. Plus, don't think it will be a place, more like a side business out of my home, though that's not for sure either. But no, I don't think I will serve coffee, or anything other than the items themselves. At least to start.

    P.S. Did I tell you that Chocolate Bar was returning to 8th Avenue? This time, it's even closer to my house. So, no need to set up a Jane Street Bakery storefront——as is, there is literally one in every direction when you walk out my door. (Okay, maybe not to the west of me...)

  4. There's Grounded one block to the direct east, which sells homemade croissants (good, but small and not delicate, and definitely not authentic croissant dough); 'Snice (the owner's wife makes the baked goods, and most're good, too, with natural ingredients but again, no finesse), and Sweetheart Bakery (a hole-in-the-wall institution, great but not, with totally oversized mountainous looking things) to the north; I guess south and east is Magnolia Bakery of the famous cupcakes (though mine are better); oh, and directly south is the soon-to-be reappearance of Chocolate Bar. There's Li-Lac directly across the street, and not too far away is Caio For Now, originally in the East Village——a terrible name, but the treats are fantastic. They sell mini cupcakes that mine are not better than.

  5. There is an excellent restaurant in Alexandria, VA called Restaurant Eve, named for the owners' first child. (They have another restaurant called Eamonn’s, named for their second.)
