Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pudding Problems

Do not want to be a downer, and maybe I'm not in a chipper enough mood today, but now that I've shopped for ingredients for the bread pudding and sugar cookies, suddenly, my prices seem way too low. Either that, and/or I need a minimum number of pieces per order. Another issue: I wanted to make the puddings in four ounce containers, and the place is asking for larger pieces, so there's a big loss right there. Haven't even figured out the sugar cookie prices, as they weren't my original intention, but since the cafe guy wanted them, I said okay. Seems like this endeavor is turning out to be exactly what I didn't want, a lotta work and barely any money. If I'm lucky.

I realize this is only the first order—and a trial one, to boot—but I'm already seeing there's no room in my budget for the middle man, and at this rate, I should just have a bake sale outside my house once a week in the summer. Is that legal? Or better still, the mother of a sweet friend of D.J.'s said she wanted to order bread pudding for her birthday party...

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