Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Quiet Here

Tomorrow is baking/pastry arts day 10 out of 13. There's a vacation the following week, and the last class is only a half day, so seems this whole trip is winding down a bit. But I still need to keep up, and that includes getting back in the Tracy Anderson Method Mat Workout DVD spirit!

Forget my height-challenged chiffon cake yesterday; I tried to smooth things over via a nice presentation, some berries with whipped cream, and on-the-spot sugar cookies, topped with a dallop of raspberry jam. That seemed to work pretty well, but I cannot get it together today.

Never mind that my landlord, possibly the least thoughtful home-improvement guy in town, and his really cute but not so nice lackey handyman (who once set fire to the stairwell above me), finished off my tea fixings before they ripped D.J.'s room apart later in the evening, trying to uninstall our old washer/dryer, in preparation for the arrival of a new one today. Don't even ask what they found under the appliance, or how I begged them not to tear off D.J.'s doorframe, and today, when the new one arrived, it could not even fit through the front door. Now I'm left with a huge hole in D.J.'s room, a torn-up washer/dryer sitting in my kitchen, and a landlord who's out of town for the weekend, and won't return my calls. Never mind all that. Oh, but when my thorn-in-my-side ex-husband had the nerve to ask if he could crash in my tiny pad for one night on his latest last-minute trip east, well, I could have offered him the washing machine, or the hole in the wall, but instead just told him I did not feel comfortable with that. And where the freak did he think he was going to sleep? Don't even ask. Aaaargh!

Must focus on...must concentrate my energies toward...oh, right. Butter cakes tomorrow.

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