Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Live Blogging of Buttermilk Fantails III

Rolled the dough a bit too thin, so they could have been puffier, and used yogurt (and milk in combination) instead of buttermilk, but these were impressively good to look at and eat.

D.J. thinks my French bread was better, but I disagree—the dough was simply much more interesting in these. I think she just liked the French toast slathered with syrup and berries (well, so did I.)

We had two each for dinner, and I sent four more upstairs for our neighbors and their newborn son, Chase Winter Luzio (not a pseudonym), to enjoy. (Yes, I know, C.W.L. isn't ready for Buttermilk Fantails.)

Must do my Tracy Anderson Method Mat Workout DVD. Pronto.

photo: http://tracyandersonmethoddvd.amazonwebstore.com/The-Tracy-Anderson-Method-Presents-Mat/M/B001F2HZHI.htm


  1. "i'm going crazy, I'm going out of my mind"

  2. Okay, that is a quote from the silly and repetitive soundtrack of the standing abs section of the no-mat-necessary Mat Workout DVD.
